Monday, January 27, 2020
Themes in The Sand Fish
Themes in The Sand Fish The Sand Fish Themes As a matter of fact, Maha Gargash succeeds in discussing a lot of issues from the beginning of the novel till its end. One of the main themes she managed to talk about is marriage and polygamy. Noora has to struggle through her life as she is forced to marry someone she does not love in order to live a rich life. Her brother decides to sell her as a slave instead of listening to her and instead of letting her taking in rule of her life. While she thought her life as a wife would be amazing, he also had to suffer in order to deal with her fellow wives. She also feels that she is always ordered to do things she does not want. However, at the end she feels satisfied after delivering her baby because such baby gives her a new hope. Moreover, Maha indicates the preparations done to each girl before getting married in the Arab communities as well as the rules of choosing a good wife according to the point of view of people there. Another theme discussed is the Arab customs and traditions represented in greetings like Assalamu Alaykom, clothes dressed by the main characters and customs of marriage along with respecting old people and serving them. The author explains how Noora walks with Jassem in the village while poor people get close to her and stare at her. She also talks about how Noora deals with Lateefa and Moza since they are older than her and how she listens to them carefully. Furthermore, Maha talks about how Noora serves his father and helps him with the house works. On the other side, Maha discusses betrayal due to hidden feelings. Because Noora could not allowed to do what she felt and what she needed to do according to her will, she did everything illegitimate and illicit. She let a stranger touch h er and she also betrayed her husband by being pregnant from someone else. While some readers could believe that what Noora did was adultery, others feel sorry for her because she was in love and she needed someone to take care of her. Maha also mentions the relationship between brothers and sisters represented in the one between Noora and Sager. Although they quarrel, they still care for each other. Another discussed theme is death as Noora starts to have memories about her mother Fatma giving her advices and recommendations regarding how to act nicely and how to become like a lady. One of the most important themes is metaphysics or superstitions spread between ignorant and illiterate people as they believe witches have forces and they can take control of everything as well as changing peoples destiny through deceiving them. Despite the fact that the witch told Jassem he would have a baby, it turned out not to be his. In addition, Islamic laws are perfectly mentioned in the story as Maha shows what is Haram and Halal, what is legal and what is illegal. When Noora makes love with Rashid and Hamad, she feels guilty as she violated the rules of her society and religion. Maha depicts perfectly pure love which arouse between Noora and Rashid before her marriage and how she feels secured and safe when he touched her. She also mentions the feeling of relief resulted from the love making between her and Hamad. Besides, Maha indicates in her story the technique of self-monologue as Noora keeps thinking and talking with herself most of the novel in order to share her thoughts with the reader and truly express how she feels as well as reacting according to such feelings. On the other hand, poverty is well explained in the novel of Sand Fish as Noora has to deal with this issue and not being able to do what she has the desire to do because she is poor. Thats why her brother feels responsible towards her and thats why he tells her he cannot afford her things. Therefore, he sends her as a bride to be married in a new house where she can find a bed to sleep and good food to eat instead of living a harsh life of men between mountains. Though Noora gets married, she does not feel happy. However, she manages to survive and adapt at the end. Characters There are a lot of characters mentioned in the novel of Sand Fish. Here they are as follows: Noora-Al-Salmi: the main character of the story. She is stubborn and childish at the beginning. Nevertheless, she takes good care of her house before and after marriage. She also learns how to become a lady. Although she did a lot of illicit things, she manages at the end to protect herself and her baby. Sager-Al-Salmi: Nooras friend. Though he is young, he does not want to show his tenderness and feelings towards his sister because he wants to act like a man. Thats why he sent her to get married to a rich merchant in order to live a good life away from poverty and famine. Rashid: a young teenager who falls in love with Noora. Though she finds him attractive and though he touches her, he turns to abandon her at the end in order to achieve his mothers desire by getting married to his cousin, Aisha. Ibrahim-Al-Salmi: Noora and Sagers father. Maha describes him as a mad man who lost his mind. However, he is very friendly and he loves his daughter so much. Jassem Saeed Bin-Mattar: Nooras husband. He is also married to two other wives named Lateefa and Shamsa. Though he seems stern at the beginning, he turns to become soft and tender once he speaks with Noora and shows her his inner feelings. He also becomes very happy when he knows that she is pregnant. Hamad: Jassems servant. He falls in love with Noora and makes love with her. Thats why she becomes pregnant with his son. However, when Noora refuses to escape with him, he travels to India. He also steals Jassems pearls to have money but Noora takes them from him in order to put them back in the cupboard. Zobaida Bint-Sheer: the witch who lives with her son Dur-Mamad. She is thought to have the ability to speak with Jinn and control peoples destiny. She also prepares potions and other stuff. She succeeds in deceiving people to take money from them by depending on sorcery. Thats why Jassem goes to her and pays her a lot of money in order to find him a solution so that he could have a baby. Plot The story talks about a young girl who is seventeen years old. Her name is Noora and she lives with her brother Sager and her insane father Ibrahim. She belongs to Al-Salmi tribe. Throughout the story, Noora finds herself forced to do things she does not want to do including being unable to marry the person she loves named Rashid, not having the ability to choose her destiny and refuse to marry someone she does not know and finally being helpless because of not being capable of escaping with the person she loved after her marriage. She also finds herself responsible for things she believes that she is so young to do such as taking care of the house work and looking after her father and brother. After going through many ups and downs and after facing a lot of issues, Noora decides at the end to stay with her husband Jassem and takes care of her baby. Setting The events of the story take place in the middle of the nineties at the Gulf countries. The characters move also from one place to another through the entire story as Maha Gragash mentions a lot of venues such as Wadeema, Leema and Nassayem. Furthermore, she talks about the life in desert and between mountains as well as the life of tribes and how they manage to survive in this harsh life. She describes the usage of wells and the dependence on dates along with exports from other countries like India and England so that they could be able to have a normal life. Some of these exports are spices and fruits such as turmeric, pomegranate and mangoes. Eventually, Maha talks about the activity of pearl diving and how Arabs used to rely on this trade in order to earn money. Narrative voice Maha depends on the self-monologue as mentioned before. In addition, she explains her story using the technique of the third person. Such technique is used in order to explain how Maha knows the deep secrets of every single character and how she predicts and expects their reactions. Furthermore, she successfully shows their emotions including their fear just as when she describes Nooras fear that someone might reveal her secret of betraying her husband. On the other side, Maha depends on the technique of flashback as she tells the events of her story and suddenly, she talks about old memories and events in order to attract the attention of readers as well as providing them with information she thinks it is necessary so that they could be able to know more about their favorite characters. Language Maha Gargash manipulates words perfectly as her choice of language and her well explanation of characters shows how perfect she is in using English though she is an Arab writer. Her excellence in language can also be represented in the implementation of many verbs in order to describe voices, scenes and reactions of faces as well as gestures. Finally, many readers could find some words difficult for them especially Arab ones but Maha manages to attract their attention and make the story appealing to their tastes. Summary The author Maha Gargash chooses a very unique name in order to call its story. Such name symbolizes the actions done by the main character is the story Noora Al- Salmi. As a matter of fact, Noora is a young girl whose mother is dead and she lives with her brother Sager. In addition, her father is an insane man that does not show any kind of commitment towards his children. Because Noora and Sager live a poor life, Sager, just like any other man in an Arab family, wants to let go of his sister by getting her married in order not to hold the responsibility of becoming the breadwinner of the family. Thats why he brings two sisters named Gulsom and Sakina to the hut where they live in order to find a rich husband for Noora so that she could enjoy a wealthy life away from poverty. In other words, Gulsom and Sakina work as matchmakers. After they arrive to Nooras house, they start to give her advices and recommendations about how to become a good wife as well as checking every single detail and aspect in her body from head to toe in order to make sure that she would be perfect for the awaited bridegroom. Therefore, they start to hold her cheeks and touch her skin as well as looking at her teeth. They also find out that she has a scar on her chin because she fell when she was playing between rocks. So, they become sad. However, they say that it is not a big deal and that they would find a solution for all the imperfections in her body through depending on the usage of a mixture of cardamom and milk. In addition, they begin to talk about their experience in making young daughters rea dy to become good brides and they tell Noora that she is lucky because they are here to help her. They also say to her something very important; she must abandon her pride and dignity in order to live a good life. This is because of the fact that if she decides to speak or talk, her husband would kick her out of home and she will find no place to go or to live. Thats why she must be silent. Noora is very scared and she hopes that Sakina and Gulsom would find something wrong in her body which would not qualify her to get married. However, her hopes are in vain when she discovers that both sisters are happy. Thats when Noora starts to feel like the sand fish after becoming sad and alone in the hut. In the next chapter, Noora is wandering between the mountains of the Arabian Desert in which the desert is very hot when she hears and sees a strange lizard. Because she is scared, she starts to call her brother Sager to come and help her. Then, they discover that this lizard is a sand fish and it begins to move quickly. Thats why it hurts itself and starts to bleed. Noora asks Sager to hold the sand fish in order to help it; however the lizard tries to escape. Then, suddenly it jumps into the air and lies on the ground. Noora and Sager think that it is dead but it survives. At the same time, Sager tells Noora that he wastes his time with her as he has a lot of responsibilities. When Noora hears this word, she thinks that her brother says her in order to feel important and in order not to allow her to reply. Then, when Sager and Noora carry buckets of water to bring them back home, Noora rolls up her dress so that she could be able to walk. Thats when Sager becomes angry and asks her to cover her legs. Noora tells him that she does not do anything wrong and she has the right to act whatever she likes. Then, Sager replies by saying that she is now a woman and she cannot do actions of little girls. She is now a grownup lady. Noora becomes upset and starts to remember the advices her mother Fatma used to give her such as combing her hair and putting kohl in order to look neat and clean. Noora also notices that Sager is starting to abandon his boyhood and act like a man. However, she is sad because he does not show his feelings towards her and begins to push her away. When she returns to the hut, she finds her father Ibrahim preparing food. Ibrahim does not exactly separate between the roles of men and women as he believes these roles have to be interchangeable. He also starts to talk to her about their tribe Al-Salmis and how the leader of this tribe named Ahmed contributes in the destruction of the tribe because he was selfish. Ahmed, in fact, violated the rules which state that tribes must not touch or drink from wells that do not belong to them. However, Ahmed drank from the well of the Hararees tribe and they killed him. Thats why no one from the tribe of Al-Salmi is left except Nooras family. After that, Ibrahim starts to hear the voices no else hears and begins to talk to Noora as if she is someone else as well as spitting at her face. Then, Noora takes him inside the hut to relax. Sager tells his sister that he could ask someone to help their father get better. This person is Zobaida Bint-Sheer and she is a witch. She is able to talk to Jinn; the spirits mentioned in the Holy Koran and made of fire. Although Noora disagrees at the beginning, her brother manages to convince her. While they are going to Zobaida, they pass by Mazoolah, a small village where their relatives from their mothers side live. After discussing the issue of their father with their aunt Moza and their friends Saif, Abdullah and Muhammed, Sager and Noora tell them that they are going to give Zobaida money to cure their father. However, the friends say to them that Zobaida is busy with a new rich client who comes from a far distance. Then, Moza suggests that Noora and Sager must give Zobaida honey instead of coins in order to be able to meet and talk to her. Fortunately, they manage to find some bees after leaving the village and catch them. When Noora asks Sager about his behavior towards her and who the rich man he and his friends are talking about is, he tells her that he is sad because he is not able to feed her well and he is angry of their father because he does not allow her to get married. He also adds that he cannot hold the responsibility of both of them and thats why she must m arry a wealthy man in order to have a good life. Finally, Noora and Sager reach Nassayem where Zobaida, the witch, lives. However, boys who were playing there from which was Faraj Al-Mugami, the youngest son of Sheikh Khaled the leader of the tribe, attack the two protagonists leaving them without any wood or honey. Now, they will not be able to go to Zobaida. In fact, those boys tell them that Zobaida has a son and she had turned him into a dog. They call him Dur-Mamad and they start to attack him. Later, Dur-Mamad, the young boy, come to Sager and Noora and kisses their donkey as a sign to follow him. After they meet Zobaida, she tells them that they did something special as they defended her own son. She also tells them that she can help Ibrahim by preparing a potion that would make him a gentle man. However, he will still be mad. Before they leave, Noora and Sager are very surprised as Zobaida says that they have another problem needed to be solved. She tells Sager that he is worry about his sister because she is old now and he becomes the man of the family. Therefore, she tells the protagonists that the only solution is to find her a husband in order to get married. Noora, of course, becomes angry and waits outside the hut till Zobaida and Sager finish their conversation. Then, Noora goes to stay with her aunt Moza and finds out that she has a chest where she keeps a lot of amazing fabrics. Then, Noora decides to sew some clothes for her instead of storing them without any purpose. Moza is very happy because she finally finds out that these fabrics will be useless. At the same time Noora thinks why her brother did not come to get her as she believe two men at the same house will not be able to survive without a woman. While staying with the old woman, Noora hears the footsteps of someone but she does not have the ability to see him or her due to the snore of Moza. However, she finally discovers that he is a man, but she keeps asking herself why he sneaks at night and why he does not show himself. Eventually, she manages to see him and talk to him. He tells Noora that he knows everything about her and that he feels sorry for what happened to her and her family. In spite of the fact that he refuses to tell Noora his name at the beginning, he finally agrees and says that his name his Rashid. Noora believes that Rashid looks familiar to her and then he tells her to meet him at the far well tomorrow. He also says to her that she does not have to stay with the old woman the whole day because no one will notice her absence and she can say that she will go for a walk. Then Rashid fades away in the shadows. In the following day, Noora starts to think whether to go or not to go. She begins to talk with herself regarding the reactions towards her if she decides to meet Rashid at night and if people of the village manage to catch her. She wonders if they will send her home to her brother or beat her or lock her up. This is because women always take the whole responsibility for everything. She thinks that nothing will happen to Rashid because he is a man while she will have to suffer and bear the consequences of her actions. Finally, Noora takes the risk and goes to meet Rashid. She is excited and scared at the same time because she figures out that Rashid is one of her brothers friends who had joined others for breakfast outside the hut of Moza. She is happy because this is the first time for her to sit with someone alone; someone who is a man not a boy and who is very concerned with her wellbeing. After that, Rashid encourages her to go to a place which he believes Noora will like and he tells her that his intentions towards her are noble. He is right because he shows Noora a very beautiful cave provided with a pool of water that could fit ten adults. Noora becomes very happy and starts to stretch her legs into t he water. Rashid, in turn, begins to compliment her eyes, tells her that they are so beautiful and that she must not hide them. Noora starts to think that Rashid truly cares about her. Then, he tells the protagonist that they must go home before it is too late in order not to let anyone know that she was outside the hut. Rashid and Noora used to meet at the cave every single night without anyone noticing and when Moza asks Noora about her absence, Noora tells her that she walks for a long distance. One day a woman named Hessa Bint-Ali came to visit Moza along with her niece Aisha and Aishas mother named Khadeeja. Aisha is promised to marry the son of Hessa. Then, Hessa starts to talk to Moza about how Aisha was sick and how she had lost a lot of weight. On the other side, Noora shows her skills in embroidery and her aunt Moza spreads the news between the women of the village. Nevertheless, no one is interested in the talent of sewing clothes but they do not mind take advantage of such talent to achieve their benefits. In spite of the fact that Noora begins to feel guilty because she hides a secret from her aunt that breaks the rules of the Arab tribal society in which she lives, she neglects her thoughts when she starts thinking of Rashid and his kind lovely gestures. After that, Hessa gives Noora some fabrics and asks her to sew the bridal gown and some clothes for her daughter-in-law in order to prepare her for marriage. Hessa also tells Noora that she is scared because she b elieves that a strange girl will steal her son away from her and his awaited bride. When Noora meets Rashid at night, she tells him about her meeting with Hessa. She says that she feels as if Hessa blames her for something though she complimented her skin color. On the contrary, Rashid says to Noora that he is not interested in this speech and that he wants to talk about him and Noora. He tells her that he cannot eat or sleep or do anything because he keeps thinking of her all day. Despite the fact that Noora feels weak because of his speech and that she feels vulnerable, she becomes helpless. Thats why she starts to change subject and tells Rashid that he can use this pool as a system of falaj in order to irrigate crops. Suddenly, Rashid becomes angry and asks her to stop talking about this topic because this is his place and he has all the right to show it to whoever he likes. In addition, he tells her that he has the desire to talk about both of them. Suddenly, he asks Noora that he wants to marry her. In the following day, she keeps thinking of what Rashid has told her while she is busy sewing clothes for Aishas wedding. When Moza sees her, she finds out that her face is glowing and asks her if she is happy because of being with her. Noora replies with yes but she wants to tell her the real reason. Nevertheless, she remains silent as Rashid tells her not to talk to anyone unless he asks for her hand formally from her brother Sager. After such proposal presented by Rashid, Noora starts to feel that her meetings with him begin not to become illegitimate or illicit. At the same day when Noora meets her lover, she asks him how he is going to talk to Sager in order to marry her. Noora tells him that her brother might not agree because he sometimes listens to others points of view, Rashid says that he has the ability to talk to Sager and convince him. Then both of them begin to converse about their life in the future together. However, when Noora asks Rashid about the name of his family, he becomes impatient and tells her that she does not need to know because he will be her family. Then, he tells her that she is treated like a savage and she is always alone. Suddenly, Noora starts to cry and both of them begin to quarrel and push each other. Finally, she fell into water and her clothes become wet. She feels exposed and she tries to cover her body with her hands in order not to make Rashid notice its outline. Then he comes close to her and asks her to forgive him for what he did. When she tries to pull him away because she feels she has to, she could not resist as she becomes attracted towards him. Her heart starts beating while Rashid grabs her towards his embrace. He keeps telling her that he wants both of them to melt into each other and that he loves her so much. Then, he starts kissing her eyes when Noora begins to believe that they have to stop. Suddenly, she tells him in a tone full of authority tha t she has to go now. She is happy but guilty because she feels that she has done something sinful. However, God is good to her as the sky was raining and now she has an excuse to explain why her clothes were wet. She has a mixture of feelings: happy, sad, guilty and excited. She also is sad because she had missed the downpour in order to be with Rashid. When she reaches the village, she promises herself not to let Rashid touch her again till they become married. On the other side, Noora finds out that Hessa had a fight with her son because he does not want to marry Aisha and then he disappears. Noora becomes perplexed because she does not know what the purpose of the wedding clothes would be. Hessa is angry and sad at the same time because she thinks her son is stupid as he refuses to marry his cousin. She also begins to hint in her speech while talking with Noora that someone evil might have convinced her son to refuse such marriage. Then she asks Noora why she did not walk as always and why she did not go back to her home. Noora replies that she is tired and that she will return home very soon. Suddenly, Noora becomes stunned when Hessa hopes the coming back of her son Rashid. The protagonist begins to wonder if Hessas son was her beloved Rashid or another one. Then Rashid comes to see her and tell her that it is useless for both of them to get married because he has to comply with the wishes of his mother to marry his cousin. Noora is ast onished and asks him about his promise to her. Then she decides to get back home. After that, she finds out that her father, just as Rashid, was gone and she was devastated. Sager calms her with his nice words and gives her lot of gifts from which is a ring made of gold. Noora becomes suspicious and asks him how he managed to get all of this money. He tells her that he received help from Zobaida and a merchant client who was visiting her. Then Noora asks her brother what Zobaida and this merchant would have in return for saving the witchs son Dur-Mamad. Sager tells her that she must marry this rich merchant in order to live a wealthy life away from poverty. Then, he begins to provide her with information about this groom. His name is Jassem Saeed Bin-Mattar. He is already married to two wives and has a big house. However, Sager tells her sister that she does not need to worry since those two wives will be like her sisters. Noora becomes angry and blames Sager for listening to this old witch and for taking decisions regarding her life instead of her. Then, she tells him that she will not be such bride for this merchant. Nevertheless, her brother forces her to marry this man and thats why Sakina and Gulsom start to prepare her as a bride by showering her with gifts and clothes. Then, Sheikh Kahled, Farajs father, along with her brother, two witnesses and the groom come to do the marriage. Later, Jassem becomes angry because Noora acts nervously and does not want to go with him. At the end, he takes her to a new place called Wadeema. When she arrives to her new home, Noora finds out that she will live with Latifa, the first wife of Jassem and the oldest one along with Shamsa his second wife. Noora begins to live her marital life while sailing with the boat of her husband. She also meets Juma Bin-Humaid, Shamsas father and she feels that he has something to say. Noora was true because Juma says to Jassem that he is sad for his daughter because she is still not ready to accept a second fellow wife. Jassem becomes angry to know that his wife went to see her father without his permission. When finally Noora reaches the marital house, Yaqoota, a maid there, begins to show her everything. The, Noora asks her about what her duties are as a wife. Yaqoota replies that she must have a baby as the other two wives did not and thats why the house is childless. Therefore, Noora starts to think that such baby would give her the chance to keep Jassem from coming to her every single night and would fill her empty hours. Thats why she gets happy when she knows that she will be left alone as Jassem is going to India. On the contrary, Jassem begins to get upset as he loses hope of having a baby, according to what was mentioned by the witch. Thats when he blames Noora for not doing her job as a wife and instead of making love with her, he begins to talk. Noora finds this nice and starts to respond to his talks with a smile. Besides, he informs her about his work which is collecting pearls from seas. He also teaches her how to do calculations and becomes friendly with her. However, Noora notices that whenever sun rises, Jassem gets his stern face back. Maha Gargash, the author, goes to explain another side of Nooras life which how her fellow wives treat her. While Lateefa acts as a mother, Shamsa cannot stand her and tells her that Jassem might throw her out when he gets bored of her. Noora starts to worry and think though she knows that she shares certain intimacy with him. Nevertheless, one night he tells her that he is upset with the magic in her eyes and that she cannot deceive him anymore. Noora did not what to do and she is scared that would she become useless and be kicked out of the house. Furthermore, Yaqoota tells Noora that Hamad, who works for her husband on his boat, wants to see her. This was very strange for her as being asked by unmarried man to meet her is not usual. However, all he wanted from Noora was stitching his fathers clothes so that he can use them at wo rk. One day, Jassem tells his wives that he is not going to India as there are no more pearls in the sea. Noora starts to think of poor divers who will not be able to support their families. Jassem also tells his wives that he will go to Leema while they will go to Om Al-Sanam. In addition, Lateefa wants her mirror and thats why she decides to send Noora and Hamad to look for it. Before the journey begins, Hamad talked with Noora about his dreams and how he wanted to be a diver but he failed. Noora starts to feel close to him and thats why she keeps telling herself that he is like a brother to her. As a result, she begins calling him brother Hamad. Furthermore, Noora keeps asking herself why Lateefa wants that mirror so bad but she does not find an answer. After they reached Wadeema, Noora falls and hits her head while searching for the mirror. Therefore, Hamad comes close to her and starts kissing her bruise. Since then, they stopped calling each other brother and sister. Though Noora f eels that what she did was wrong, she felt that it was right. When Noora goes back to Lateefa, Lateefa keeps asking her questions and touches her bruise. She asks her what the reason for the bruise was. Noora says that she knocked her head onto the door. At that moment, Lateefa stops asking questions while Noora becomes very worried by her silence. When Hamad and Noora are collecting Henna for Lateefa as she asked them, she tells Hamad that she is concerned Hamad again comes close to Noora and asks her to divorce Jassem because he wants to be with her. When she asks him what she would do with her husband and that he would not agree, Hamad tells her that they will figure something out. He informs her that he will dive and find a big pearl so that they could be able to get married. Noora tells him that he cannot because he has an ache in his ears because of diving before, but Hamad says that he will handle this issue. After they go back to Wadeema to get what Lateefa wanted, Noora and Hamad make love together. However, when Jassem comes back from India, Noora is not satisfied to see her husband as she wants to become happy again with Hamad. Hamad tells her to steal the pearls of Jassem and he would not notice, Noora of course becomes a ngry. Surprisingly, she is shocked when she finds out that she is pregnant and she keeps thinking about what will happen to her when they find out about her betrayal. Noora of course knows that the baby in her belly is Hamads. So, he comes her one night and shows her the pearl he stole from Jassem. He asks her to pack everything because they will leave. When Noora refuses because she cannot go, Hamad never shows himself again. Before disappearing, he tells her that Lateefa arranged for all of their relationship in order to make her pregnant so that she can get a baby for Jassem. Later, Noora knows from Lateefa that he has left in order to find another job in India. Noora becomes relieved
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Witches Of Salem :: essays research papers
When I started reading, my impression was that this whole witchcraft test would be rather childish, and aimed toward elementary students. As I took the test the first time, I was feeling as if parts of it were somewhat pointless. Then as the test progressed on it started to get better. However, when I chose not to confess to something I didnââ¬â¢t do, I felt as if the was a little bit of a problem with the reasoning of these people. They didnââ¬â¢t let me get a word in edgewise, and on top of that, the judges seemed to favor the girls and only their opinions. It was almost as if the court wanted to condemn a lot of people to death or Hell, and they were allowing a young girl to be the ringleader. à à à à à But then again, when I was taking the test, a few thoughts crossed my mind about the whole trial and some of the thoughts of the people involved. One thing that puzzled me was why anyone would not be intelligent enough to say something while on the stand like, ââ¬Å"I am not a witch, and I love God. And I am with the Lord.â⬠And then start reciting the Ten Commandments. Something like that would blow the court away, and the judges wouldnââ¬â¢t know what to say to that, because it is totally the truth. But then another thing crossed my mind, maybe because of the times, and the little education of the people involved. In any case either the women did not wish to speak out, or they were unable to think so quickly on their feet of such comments. This is unfortunate because maybe if they were able to be so witty with the truth, then some lives might have been spared. However, it might not have worked at all, because when people are under pressure it is harder for them to think clearly. All in all I felt the experience was good and helpful too. It gives a better understanding of what it was like to live in Salem during the unjust accusatory trials. The experience of the test was extremely real, and did make me feel a little uneasy, due to all the questioning and harsh accusations.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Hrm: Selection Process
UNIVERSITY OF SAN AGUSTIN GRADUATE SCHOOL MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SELECTION PROCESS: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS ON THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED BY: MAY O. TOLENTINO SUBMITTED TO: DR. CARMEN N. HERNANDEZ Selection Process: Survival of the Fittest Introduction Charles Darwin first pondered this concept in his work On the Origin of Species during the 19th century in the context of the survival and extinction of biological species.Later did Herbert Spencer coin the phrase to draw comparable idea on his economic theories. Survival of the fittest according to Darwinââ¬â¢s theory means that only the ones most suited to a particular environment will survive. Those who canââ¬â¢t adapt will surely perish, while those who can adapt will stick around, and maybe even become suited to new environments. We might ask did they discover anything that might be applicable to business in the 21st Century? Or its relevance could be also a pplied in human resource management more specifically in selection process?Let us think of nature and ecological systems as a vast ââ¬Å"free marketâ⬠of perfect competition, where all living organisms are competing with each other for limited resources (sunlight, water, minerals, etc. )? Synonymous as to the many job applicants competing with each other in a struggle for survival or in plain employment term- to be hired. To be chosen as the best fitted candidate among the crowd of applicants for the one coveted position is indeed collectively tend to operate in ways analogous to natural eco-systems.Is it possible that success and survival in the wild might be analogous to success and survival in the employment race? Selection can be conceptualized in terms of either choosing the fit candidates or rejecting the unfit candidates, or a combination of both. Selection process assumes that there are more candidates than the number of candidates actually selected, made possible thro ugh the recruitment process. According to Gupta (2006), selection is the process of choosing the suitable persons out of all the participants.In this process, relevant information is collected through a series of steps so as to evaluate their suitability on the job to be filled. Furthermore, selection is the process of assessing the candidates in various means and making a choice followed with an offer of employment (Graham, 1998, p. 206). Selection is an important function as no organization can achieve its goal without selecting the right people, where wrong choice would lead to wastage of time, money and spoils the environment of the organization.In this regard, scientific selection and placement of personnel will go a long way in building up a stable workforce, where it helps to reduce absenteeism and labor turnover as well as very helpful in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the organization (Dessler, 2005). Selection vs. Recruitment Selection is different from recr uitment, where recruitment technically happens before selection. Recruitment involves identifying the sources of manpower and encourages them to apply for the job opening. On the other hand, selection is choosing the best out of those recruited.Recruitment aims at increasing the number of applications for more choices. According to Prasad (2005), recruitment and selection differs in terms of objective, process, technique, and outcome which are discussed as follows: Firstly, the ultimate purpose of both is to acquire suitable candidates but their immediate objectives differ, where the basic objective of recruitment is to attract maximum number of candidates so that more choices are available; the basic objective of selection is to choose best out of the available candidates.Secondly, recruitment differs from selection in terms of process, where it adopts the process of creating application as large as possible; while selection adopts the process of screening as fewer candidates or so metimes one candidate is selected. Thirdly, as to the techniques involve; recruitment techniques are not really intensive, requiring skills as against in selection process where highly specialized techniques are required.Lastly, since both are interlinked steps in the process of manpower acquisition, they differ in terms of outcome; where the outcome for recruitment is application pool which become input for selection process which on the other hand the outcome is finalizing the candidates who will be offered jobs. Factors (Conditions) for Selection Process The basic idea in selection process is to solicit maximum possible information about the candidates to ascertain their suitability for the employment; and given the fact that there are factors which affect in collecting such information (Prasad, 2005, p. 06), he proposed the following factors which determine the steps in the selection process: 1. Various steps involve in the selection process depend on the type of personnel to be selected. For example, more information is required in the selection of a manager than a subordinate worker. 2. Selection process depends on the sources of recruitment and the method that is adapted for making contact with prospective candidates.For example if we used tv ads, selection process is more time consuming and comprehensive whereas campus recruitment is shortened and maybe completed in a day. 3. Selection process depends on the number of candidates that are available for selection. If a large number of applicants, we also need to create various filtering points to reduce the number of applicants at a successive point while a small applicant turnout would mean lesser filtering points required. 4. Organizationââ¬â¢s selection policy also determines the ways to be involved in the selection process.For example in JBLFMU context, where selection of industry experts as Board Members are stipulated in the policy should be an alumnus of the university and hold the highest or p resident position of any international sponsored shipping companies in the Philippines. Gupta suggests that the selection process can be successful if the following conditions are met: 1. Someone should have the authority to select; where this authority comes from the employment requisition as developed through analysis of the workload and workforce. 2. There must be one standard of human resource with which applicant can be compared.In other words, a comprehensive job description and job specification should be available beforehand. 3. There must be a sufficient number of applicants from whom the required number of employees maybe selected. In this regard, recruitment and selection process invariably influence the whole matter of employment function in the organization. Steps in Selection Process Selection process consist of the series of steps; at each stage, facts may reveal something about a candidate that may either be a win or blow on his/her chances on the job. It is a series of barriers or challenges in which the applicant must cross.These hurdles or screens are designed to eliminate unqualified candidate at any point in the selection process. There is no exact formula or standards to be used in all organizations or for all jobs. The complexity of selection procedures increases with the level of responsibility of the position to be filled. Therefore, the strategy and method used for selecting employees varies from firm to firm or from one job to another. For instance in JBLFMU, the recruitment and selection process differs to a faculty candidate and a personnel applicant.Scholars of Human Resource Management such as Gupta, Prasad, Armstrong, and Ivancevich, suggested the following steps to be involved in employee selection process, though not necessarily to be implemented chronologically: 1. Preliminary Interview 2. Application Form 3. Selection Test (Physical, Cognitive and Personality Test) 4. Work Samples 5. Employment Interview 6. Medical Examinati on 7. Reference or Background Check 8. Final Approval 9. Employment 10. Induction 11. Follow-up or Evaluation Applicability of Selection Process in JBLFMUIn the context of JBLFMU environment; most of the above steps in selection process are applied both on academic and non-academic personnel, however the exercise does vary from the steps. For instance, in non-academic personnel once applications are received, short listing of applicants is done by the HR officer in respect to the applied jobs, preliminary interview is organized with the respective department head, methods of assessment is done by administering various forms like taking of aptitude or job related and personality tests.Then those who passed will go to another round of final interview then final selection is done together with the department officer. Selected applicant is called to fill various forms including medical examination to effect his/her employment; if found fit is awarded offer of employment stipulating term s and conditions of employment. Duties are assigned and orientation is undertaken. But if all applicants happen to fail the standards of the selection process, the post will be advertised again for recruitment. As for academic personnel, the difference lies on the additional steps of a twice presentation of simulated teaching.Then the person to approve the teaching plantilla will include the HR Officer, Subject Area Head, Dean of the College and the university administrator. To wit based from the theories discussed above, JBLFMU abides to the following steps in selection process: 1. Screening of applications, where available applications should be short listed in respect to their qualifications and experience in correspond to the job requirement. Only applicants who fit the bill should be interviewed. For large number of applicants, aptitude test could be used to screen them. 2.Prepare for the interview, where at this step the type of interview is established, it can be I groups or individually; written or oral interview. Guideline and questions are prepared beforehand. 3. Develop factors and methods of assessment, where various score sheets and assessment forms are prepared in order to maintain consistency. 4. Conduct the interview or as for academic personnel a demo teaching, where at this stage applicants are given equal chance to demonstrate their strength and capabilities in respect to the requirement of the job. 5. To undertake cross referencing for interviewees.Check resumes for related experiences and background check. 6. Communicating the decision to the candidates. At this stage the applicant is informed of the result via letter or phone call. The chosen candidate will be asked to come and fill required forms to effect the employment. 7. Requiring a medical examination on the selected applicant to avoid future problems that might affect job performance. 8. Offering letter of employment and filling required forms to effect employment functions, where in that contract stipulates terms and conditions of employment. 9. Placement and orientation.It is at this step the JBLFMU selection process ends, where the employed applicant is endorsed under his/her supervisor followed by a company orientation. Conclusion Therefore, the basic objective of selection is to hire those candidates that are suitable or fitted for the position with a high probability of job success. A multiple hurdle plan is the best selection strategy. Selection hurdles or tests include pre-employment inquiries, application forms, initial screening interviews, background investigations, teaching demo for academic applicants and interviews.Also, recruiting and selecting the right people for the company is a challenge, and every situation is unique. JBLFMU should be innovative, persistent and realistic, and can communicate the strength of the institution and the benefits of the position offered to attract high quality employees to build careers in the organization. Survi val of the fittest in selection process perspective redounds to matching the best qualified candidate to fit the requisites or requirements of the job in achieving organizational goals. This in turn will mutually benefit the individual and the organization, as they adapt to the changing environment.Bibliography Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. (10th edition ed. ). London: Kogan Page Limited. Dessler, G. (2005). Human Resource Management. (10th edition ed. ). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Gupta, C. (2006). Human Resource Management (Rev. Edition ed. ). New Delhi: Sultan Chad and Sons. Ivancevich, J. (2003). Human Resource Management (9th Edition ed. ). New York: McGraw Hill. Prasad, L. (2005). Human Resource Management (2nd Edition ed. ). New Delhi: Sultan Chad and Sons. Rush, D. (1995). Biology: Natural Science (3rd Edition ed. ) New York: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Latin America Essay - 2834 Words
Hisotry of Latin America History of the region from the pre-Columbian period and including colonization by the Spanish and Portuguese beginning in the 15th century, the 19th-century wars of independence, and developments to the end of World War II.Latin America is generally understood to consist of the entire continent of South America in addition to Mexico, Central America, and the islands of the Caribbean whose inhabitants speak a Romance language. The peoples of this large area shared the experience of conquest and colonization by the Spaniards and Portuguese from the late 15th through the 18th centuries as well as movements of independence from Spain and Portugal in the early 19th century. Even since independence, many of the variousâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦However, those profits merely whetted those Creoles appetites for greater free trade than the Bourbons were willing to grant. More generally, Creoles reacted angrily against the crowns preference for peninsulars in administrative positions and i ts declining support of the caste system. After hundreds of years of proven service to Spain, the American-born elites felt that the Bourbons were now treating them like a recently conquered nation. In cities throughout the region, Creole frustrations increasingly found expression in ideas derived from the Enlightenment. Imperial prohibitions proved unable to stop the flow of potentially subversive English, French, and North American works into the colonies of Latin America. Creole participants in conspiracies against Portugal and Spain at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries showed familiarity with such European Enlightenment thinkers as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The Enlightenment clearly informed the aims of dissident Creoles and inspired some of the later, great leaders of the independence movements across Latin America. Still, these ideas were not, strictly speaking, causes of independence. Creoles selectively adapted rather than simply embraced the thought that had informedShow MoreRelatedThe Culture Of Latin America Essay1630 Words à |à 7 Pagesculture of Latin America is multi-faceted and rich. More than 300 million Spanish speakers reside in Latin America and are spread across a vast geographic region; this makes it tough at times to explain Latin American culture. Though, there are some living standards and ways of observing life which is in common all over the majority of the area. Latin America comprises of 21 main countries. Major languages spoken in Latin America are French, Portuguese, and Spanish. 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